January Glow Up: 

10 day Ayurvedic cleanse for a radiant 2024.

The fun begins Jan. 13th, 2024. You in?

Heck yes, I'm In 🤩

Remember that last cleanse you did... 


  • The one where you dutifully drank shake packets with 100+ ingredients promising to clear your body of all its' ails. That was hard to digest and likely contributed to the bloat you're struggling with. 

  • And should we talk about the hundred of dollars you're spending on expensive supplements and powders each month to clear up your skin and balance your hormones? Those add an extra load on your liver and if your digestion isn't strong enough to assimilate the nutrients, you're just making your pee expensive. 

  • How about the juice feasts that promise you glowing health in the new year but actually dampens your digestive fire which wreaks havoc on metabolism. 

I've got news for you.

Your body is already a detoxing machine. 

  • When you sleep, you detox.

  • When you poop/pee/sweat. Yup.. gettin' it out! 

  • Even your monthly menstrual cycle is a detox. 

So then why do you feel bloated, broken out and blah?

Because we live in a toxic world and our bodies' have a hard time keeping up. Our detox pathways get clogged up due to factors such as factors such as stress, processed foods, digestive issues, poor sleep, environmental toxins, harsh weather, alcohol, caffeine, lack of exercise etc. we stop detoxing efficiently.

We know this happens when we start to experience symptoms such as: acne, anxiety, bloating, brain fog, constipation, diarrhea, depression, fatigue, gas, insomnia, sugar cravings.

Any of these sound familiar?

It's time to give yourself a break so your body can do its' deep cleaning work.

And by the way, this isn't done through skipping meals, beating yourself up in HIIT classes or swallowing a bunch of supplements.

Your body can do all of it's rebalancing, rebooting and deep-cleaning through a regimen of easy to digest Ayurvedic meals, self care practices and lots of rest. 

Just like cleaning out the closets and scrubbing down the baseboards in your house. If you take the time each spring to get down and dirty (errr... clean) it feels so good!  

For thousands of years Ayurveda has taught how to gently bring our bodies back into balance using easy to digest whole foods, medicinal spices & ayurvedic self care practices.

But don't worry. Although Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old science you won't need that long to feel the benefits. All you need is 10 days. 

Count me in!

I did the winter cleanse with Lillian. It was my first cleanse and to be honest I had never heard of an ayurvedic detox, doshas or kitchari. 

 In other words, a complete newbie! Lillian provided an amazing guidebook that helped a lot and the recipes are great. I am still making them! I realized that rather than restrict myself with food, the focus should be nourishing myself through nutrient dense and in season foods. I felt so good after the detox and am still not reaching for overly processed foods.”

January Glow Up:

10 Day Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleanse

Begins Jan. 13th 2024 

(your dates are flexible)

What's Included:

  •  A full 10 day Ayurvedic cleansing course that walks you through step by step what to do before, during after your 10 day cleanse. 
  • 30+ page Ayurvedic cleansing guidebook. A no-think approach with daily instructions, loads of detoxifyig seasonal recipes, shopping lists and Ayurvedic lifestyle guidelines you can refer to throughout the year. 
  • Winter cleanse daily habits workbook & accompanying video module. This will help you establish an Ayurvedic daily routine for the cleanse and beyond!
  • 3 live group coaching calls to walk you through the process. In these calls you'll learn the ins-n-outs of Ayurvedic cleansing, connect with your global community of cleansers, share your experience and ask any questions you may have. (Calls will be recorded if you can't make it live)
  • Private community forum to ask questions, connect with other cleansers, share wins and seek support. 
  • Bonus: video modules on detoxing your home, how to make your own cleaning supplies, how to make kitchari and how to make ghee.  
  • Bonus live breathwork session: Coming home to your body: A 90 minute breathwork journey. This will be offered live via zoom and recorded for participants. 
  • Bonus live yoga class: 60 minute detoxifying flow. This will be offered live via zoom and recorded for participants.
Sign me up for this!

Let's Break Down the 10 Days:

Days 1-3: 

This is considered the pre-cleanse phase, although this is the start of your detox. During these 3 days you'll remove all inflammatory foods, drinks and activities from your life and replace them with whole food, plant-based ayurvedic meals (recipes provided for you in the guidebook), detoxifying teas and ayurvedic lifestyle practices. These 3 days are a crucial step in preparing your body for a detox. 

Days 4-7

These are your kitchari mono diet days. Mono-dieting on kitchari gives your digestive system a break so that your body can shift its' attention into deep detox and repairing. Don't fear these days, the benefits you'll experience are profound and most participants don't want it to end. 

Days 4-7
Days 8-10

The reintegration days. At this point, your body is working like a well-oiled machine. You're sleeping well, eating right, pooping like a champ and your energy is ahh--mazing. These days are similar to the first 3. We'll focus on non-processed, easy to digest and detoxifying meals, while maintaining the benefits from your kitchari days. 

In just 10 days your body will thank you with...

A+ poops. You can say goodbye to bloat, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea and all the other unmentionable digestive woes. 

Deep, restorative sleep. The kind that has you waking up bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to take on the day. 

Clear and glowing skin. That's right, your skin is a reflection of your gut lining. So when your gut is happy so is the skin!

Healthy cravings that will have you reaching for foods that benefit your body.   

➨ Balanced energy that will easefully carry you through the day... sans caffeine!

➨ PMS-free periods need I say more on this one? Didn't think so!

A deepened connection to yourself, your intuition and your true nature. Yup, it's like all the good vibes of a yoga retreat without the hassle of delayed flights and a roommate who snores.

I'm in! I'm in! Im in!

As someone who feels somewhat educated about diet and nutrition, Lillian's program and the 10 day cleanse was eye opening. 

My body can't thank her enough for walking me through this, explaining why we do what we do and offering support, not just a cleanse plan but real support and care. Thank you!”

I had a wonderfully powerful experience while cleansing

With Lillian. This was my first time doing an Ayurvedic cleanse so I went in with a bit of hesitation and lots of questions but came out with such clarity. I was able to develop a deeper understanding of my body and its' needs. I am so grateful to have found this practice. I will be back!

Get started now: 

10 Day Cleanse

$250 USD

code: "glowup75" for $75 off until 1/5!

  • Guided video instructions for each step of the process.
  • 3 live coaching calls.
  • Live (virtual) breathwork session.
  • Live (virtual) detox yoga class. 
  • Unlimited support & Q&A in our community group! 

VIP Bundle

$375 USD

More bang for your buck with personalized support.

  • This bundle includes: 
  • The full ayurvedic cleanse program. 
  • 1on1 Ayurvedic Health Coaching session with Lillian to help tailor the the program to your bodies' specific needs. 
  • Have all of your questions answere in real time with ongoing voxer/text support with Lillian during the cleanse. 

Hi, I'm Lillian!

I'm an Ayurvedic Health Coach, Hormone Health Coach and Yoga teacher based in Los Angeles, CA. 

I have personally been practicing seasonal Ayurvedic cleanse for the past 12 years and leading others through the process for the past 6. 

Living Ayurvedically has empowered me to break free of the shackles of diet culture mentality while still experiencing stable weight, PMS-free periods and balanced energy and moods. 

I love empowering others with the same wisdom that has changed my life. I'm so glad you're here!

Hi, I'm Lillian!

I'm an Ayurvedic Health Coach, Hormone Health Coach and Yoga teacher based in Los Angeles, CA. 

I have personally been practicing seasonal Ayurvedic cleanse for the past 12 years and leading others through the process for the past 6. 

Living Ayurvedically has empowered me to break free of the shackles of diet culture mentality while still experiencing stable weight, PMS-free periods and balanced energy and moods. 

I love empowering others with the same wisdom that has changed my life. I'm so glad you're here!