Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse
10 days to rebalance your digestion, reclaim your energy and re-ignite your inner radiance using ancient Ayurvedic wisdom.
Self led, start anytime.
Sign me up!Imagine if fall rolled around and..
You were the one spearheading the pumpkin carving contests for your kids, hosting the holiday get togethers and initiating the date nights with your boo.
Imagine if you were finally excited and able to live life to the fullest because:
- You no longer spend the evenings on the couch in your stretchiest pants. The chronic bloat that has been plaguing your nightlife has gone away!
- You're no longer spending your hard earned money on red light masks, facials and the latest in laser technology to cover up the acne that is somehow worse than your teenage days. Your skin healed up when the gut issues went away!
- Your social life is soaring because you actually have energy, stable moods and the desire to live life to the fullest.
A fall Ayurvedic cleanse will reset your mind, body & spirit so that you can experience:
Improved sleep with correlates to steady energy levels throughout the day (sans caffeine!).
Balanced digestion, bye-bye-bye to gas, bloat and other unmentionables.
Strengthened metabolism, find your healthy weight and hang out there without stress.
Calm, stable, uplifted moods, that gut brain connection really is real.
Bright, glowing, clear skin, the kind that can only come from a healthy gut.
Your body wants to be healthy. Your body wants to be in balanced. We just live in a world with: stress, cell phones, processed foods, caffeine addiction, mis-leading diet culture, demands of kids & partners, poor sleep, environmental toxins, harsh weather, alcohol, lack of exercise etc.
Our body can't keep up with all of these demands and we start to loose balance.
We know that this happens when we experience symptoms such as: acne, anxiety, bloating, brain fog, constipation, diarrhea, depression, fatigue, gas, insomnia, sugar cravings, etc.
These signs are not to be feared. Only listened too! Your body is asking you loud and clear for a break.
Give yourself a break so your body can bring you bring you back into balance.
And by the way, this isn't done through skipping meals, beating yourself up in HIIT classes or swallowing a bunch of supplements.
Your body can do all of it's rebalancing, rebooting and deep-cleaning through a regimen of easy to digest Ayurvedic meals, self care practices and lots of rest.
For thousands of years Ayurveda has taught that the transition from summer to fall is a necessary time for this deep clean(s)ing work in order to balance body, mind and spirit.
In the fall, we cleanse in order to:
➣ Release accumulated heat & inflammation in the body (Pitta).
➣ Rebuild our digestive capacity to handle the heartier winter foods (Agni).
➣ Rehydrate our tissues and cells (Vata).
➣ Reboot our immunity and vitality (Ojas).

Even though Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old science, it won't take you that long to feel the benefits.
All you need is 10 days.
In just 10 days your body will thank you with:
➨ A+ poops. You can say goodbye to bloat, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea and all the other unmentionable digestive woes.
➨ Deep, restorative sleep. The kind that has you waking up bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to take on the day.
➨ Clear and glowing skin. That's right, your skin is a reflection of your gut lining. So when your gut is happy so is the skin!
➨ Healthy cravings that will have you reaching for foods that benefit your body.
➨ Balanced energy that will easefully carry you through the day... sans caffeine!
➨ PMS-free periods need I say more on this one? Didn't think so!
➨ A deepened connection to yourself, your intuition and your true nature. Yup, it's like all the good vibes of a yoga retreat without the hassle of delayed flights and a roommate who snores.

Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse
Radiate balance in just 10 days.
Your cleanse dates are flexible, start anytime!
How it works: An Ayurvedic cleanse is not about deprivation or punishment. It's all about self care, self love and nourishment. I will be your tour guide through this 10 day home cleanse experience. You will receive detailed instructions on what to eat (but not in a scary restrictive way!), when to eat and the specific Ayurvedic self care practices for the season. We'll use the traditional Ayurvedic dish kitchari (pictured) and abhyanga (ayurvedic oil massage) and many other daily rituals, teas and practices to facilitate our bodies' detoxification.
My promise to you: Your mind will do the relaxin', your body will do the cleansing and I'll do the thinkin'. Each and every step will be laid out for you along the way!
Here's what's included:
- A 30+ page Ayurvedic cleansing guidebook. A no-think approach with day to day instructions, as well as seasonal recipes, shopping lists and Ayurvedic lifestyle tips you can refer to throughout the year.
- Fall cleanse daily habits workbook & course materials. This will help you establish an Ayurvedic dinacharya (daily routine) for the cleanse and beyond!
- 3 live group coaching calls to walk you through the process. In these calls you'll learn the ins-n-outs of Ayurvedic cleansing, connect with your global community of cleansers, share your experience and ask any questions you may have. (Calls will be recorded if you can't make it live)
- Access to an online cleanse portal where you'll receive detailed video guidance and everything you'll need to know before/during/after the cleanse.
- Private community forum to ask questions, connect with other cleansers, share wins and seek support.
- Bonus modules on detoxing your cleaning supplies, beauty supplies and technology habits.